Hello to all from greece. I upgraded before 3 days from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1 and i have this problem. Then i import tracks from the web interface to the library the paths of the tracks in the imported directory are wrong. For example.
I add these tracks with name trackone.mp3 . The mp3 tags are artist: boo album: foo tracknumber: 01 kbps: 128
The album has 10 tracks but i add only the first. Before the update the track saved in imported directory as /boo/foo/01_trackone_128kbps.mp3
after the update the track is saved as /boo/foo/01/10-trackone-128kbps.mp3 and if i add and the second track of the same album the path is /boo/foo/02/10-tracktwo-128kbps.mp3
All the tracks have the number of tracks of the album in the start of their name and their track number is an extra directory in the album folder. I tested with different tracks an albums but it is always the same. Does anybody else have the same problem; It is a bug;