how do I enable firefox spellcheck in booktype 1.5.3?
  • Hi,

    how do I enable firefox spellcheck in booktype 1.5.3? It looks like its disbaled in tinymce.

    Regards Chantal
  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • I would also need to be able to use a spell-check, though i am on booktype Pro and using Chrome as a browser. 

    Kinda surprised in in-browser spell-check is not working in booktype, and cannot find any other solutions, unless i'm overlooking something. 

    Any suggestions ?
  • Hmm no reply yet, and i also didn't find any solution yet..

    Would i really need to copy all my book text into a word processor to run a spell-check ??
    Really hoped i could use my Google-Chrome build-in spell-check .... :(
  • Would love to know how everyone is doing their spellchecking... ?
  • Hi!

    I think it is matter of TinyMCE configuration. By default it is disabled (gecko_spellcheck I think). The other way is spellcheck plugin for TinyMCE ( By default it is disabled because it requires PHP backend and some additional programs.

    At the moment we are working on brand new editor where we will have to implement completely different kind of solutions. This is why we will not be trying to fix this issue in 1.6 version.

  • TinyMCE Spellchecker is easy to install if you can install the dependencies which are available in Debian and Ubuntu repositories.

    The Google service it uses as a default proofreading service is probably retired or something so I have been using Pspell/Aspell.