Correct Tags displayed as unknown
  • Good Morning from Germany :)

    Problem is that the program in question, without a playlist the songs occasionally as 'unknown' issues.

    Things I've tried:

    1) At first I thought it was up to the day, but since I have adjusted all Tags, this problem still freaking me up.

    2) I automatically replace all special characters to the server not surprising with umlauts from German or other languages​​.

    3) I've created a playlist to look at whether there are only certain songs, or this error occurs spontaneously.

    the cause of the playlist I'll check again, but maybe someone here has a similar problem.

    Post edited by Philipp Lategahn at 2012-08-29 04:23:40
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Ok keep us update. Also a screenshot displaying the exact problem would be helpful :)
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