DISQUS commenting?
  • Hi

    I am wondering if there is a way to use DISQUS commenting system?
    Having that seems to me a crucial part to make my site "social"...
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Or altenratively: Does anyone know how to implement a discussion system like DISQUS or similar, in Newscoop? I need it so that I can offer a unified way that users can comment using their Twitter, Facebook and Google+ accounts ...
  • Yes you can use Disqus or Facebook commenting systems easily; every article on Newscoop has universal number / id (you can access it by {{ $gimme->article->number }} ) and of course universal url ( {{ url options="article" }} ) if you need it for configuration.
    Basically you just need to follow instructions for embedding their code. For Facebook, you need to create an Facebook App and then you can moderate comments from frontend and from FB, grant access to others to do the same etc. 
    For Disqus it is even simpler, just define shortcode for your site and the rest is done by this system.
    Ljuba Rankovic
    Senior Front End Developer, Sourcefabric

  • http://wadr.org/ is a good example of a Newscoop site using Disqus...
  • Fantastic. It'll be great to implement it.
    Thanks for your help
    Post edited by Jobe Lawn at 2012-08-29 03:03:40