Audio Import Problems (Not showing in Airtime)
  • Hi all,

    Me again! I'm trying to figure out why uploaded tracks wont appear in Airtime. They were working fine a few days ago, but now it's stopped working and to our knowledge, we havent made any changes!

    If I upload to /organize, the files are moved to /import, however they dont appear in Airtime. The log doesn't seem to be showing any errors either :/

    2012-08-07 22:08:51,408 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_CREATE()] : LINE 110 - event: <Event dir=False mask=0x100 maskname=IN_CREATE name=AudioFile.mp3 path=/srv/airtime/stor/organize pathname=/srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 wd=8 >
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,258 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE()] : LINE 123 - event: <Event dir=False mask=0x8 maskname=IN_CLOSE_WRITE name=AudioFile.mp3 path=/srv/airtime/stor/organize pathname=/srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 wd=8 >
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,258 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_CLOSE_WRITE()] : LINE 124 - create_dict: {'/srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3': 1344373731.408412}
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,258 DEBUG - [MainThread] [ : handle_created_file()] : LINE 137 - PROCESS_IN_CLOSE_WRITE: False, name: AudioFile.mp3, pathname: /srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,259 INFO - [MainThread] [ : get_md_from_file()] : LINE 144 - getting info from filepath /srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,363 INFO - [MainThread] [ : organize_new_file()] : LINE 313 - Organizing new file: /srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,363 INFO - [MainThread] [ : create_file_path()] : LINE 265 - Unique filepath: /srv/airtime/stor/imported/Queen/Don't Stop Me Now-128kbps.mp3
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,364 DEBUG - [MainThread] [ : organize_new_file()] : LINE 317 - Moving from /srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 to /srv/airtime/stor/imported/Queen/Don't Stop Me Now-128kbps.mp3
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,473 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_CREATE()] : LINE 110 - event: <Event dir=True mask=0x40000100 maskname=IN_CREATE|IN_ISDIR name=Queen path=/srv/airtime/stor/imported pathname=/srv/airtime/stor/imported/Queen wd=3 >
    2012-08-07 22:09:24,474 INFO - [MainThread] [ : process_IN_MOVED_FROM()] : LINE 230 - process_IN_MOVED_FROM: <Event cookie=194117655 dir=False mask=0x40 maskname=IN_MOVED_FROM name=AudioFile.mp3 path=/srv/airtime/stor/organize pathname=/srv/airtime/stor/organize/AudioFile.mp3 wd=8 >