Input stream and OddCast
  • i am trying to connect to airtime with a input stream using Winamp plugin OddCast V3 and it connects then the connection keeps getting dropped I tried Mixxx and it works fine using the same config settings  

    any idea what i am missing ?
  • 8 Comments sorted by
  • What version of Airtime? Is your server behind a proxy?
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • i am running Airtime 2.1.2

    and both computers are running on local network
  • It may be that you are using mono streams with the Oddcast plugin which isn't supported in 2.1.2.

    Please upgrade to 2.1.3: this fixes a critical issue with playback occasionally going silent, as well as supports mono input streams.

    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • I am not using mono here is a screen shot of settings
    557 x 429 - 67K
  • Try looking into '/var/log/airtime/pypo-liquidsoap/ls_script.log' for anything strange..
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • 2012/07/19 15:07:16 >>> LOG START
    2012/07/19 15:07:15 [protocols.external:3] Didn't find "ufetch".
    2012/07/19 15:07:15 [protocols.external:3] Found "/usr/bin/wget".
    2012/07/19 15:07:15 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.0.0
    2012/07/19 15:07:15 [main:3] Using: graphics=[distributed with Ocaml] pcre=6.2.2 dtools=0.2.2 duppy=0.4.2 duppy.syntax=0.4.2 cry=0.2.2 mm=0.2.0 xmlplaylist=0.1.3 lastfm=0.3.0 ogg=0.4.3 vorbis=0.6.1 speex=0.2.0 mad=0.4.4 flac=0.1.0 flac.ogg=0.1.0 dynlink=[distributed with Ocaml] lame=0.3.1 gstreamer=0.1.0 voaacenc=0.1.0 theora=0.3.0 schroedinger=0.1.0 gavl=0.1.4 bjack=0.1.3 alsa=0.2.1 ao=0.2.0 samplerate=0.1.1 taglib=0.2.0 magic=0.7.3 camomile=0.8.3 faad=0.3.0 soundtouch=0.1.7 portaudio=0.2.0 pulseaudio=0.1.2 ladspa=0.1.4 dssi=0.1.0 sdl=0.8.0 camlimages=4.0.0 lo=0.1.0 yojson=1.0.2 gd=1.0a5
    2012/07/19 15:07:15 [dynamic.loader:3] Could not find dynamic module for aacplus encoder.
    2012/07/19 15:07:15 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/flac.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:15 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/ogg.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:15 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/pulseaudio.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/taglib.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/mad.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/voaacenc.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/faad.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/cry.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/flac_ogg.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/vorbis.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/lame.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz master.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [frame:3] Targetting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #1".
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #2".
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [threads:3] Created thread "non-blocking queue #1".
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [airtime_128:3] Connecting mount airtime_128 for source@localhost...
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [airtime_128:3] Connection setup was successful.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [lang:3] /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --connect --stream-id=1 --time=1342719436.4 &
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [threads:3] Created thread "wallclock_main" (1 total).
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Streaming loop starts, synchronized with wallclock.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [dummy(dot)1:3] Source failed (no more tracks) stopping output...
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [src_5706:3] Inserting missing metadata.
    2012/07/19 15:07:16 [default_switch:3] Switch to src_5706.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:07:17 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:27 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:27 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:27 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:27 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:36 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:36 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:36 [main:3] Shutdown started!
    2012/07/19 15:14:36 [main:3] Waiting for threads to terminate...
    2012/07/19 15:14:36 [airtime_128:3] Closing connection...
    2012/07/19 15:14:36 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Streaming loop stopped.
    2012/07/19 15:14:36 [threads:3] Thread "wallclock_main" terminated (0 remaining).
    2012/07/19 15:14:36 [main:3] Cleaning downloaded files...
    2012/07/19 15:14:36 >>> LOG END
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 >>> LOG START
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [protocols.external:3] Didn't find "ufetch".
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [protocols.external:3] Found "/usr/bin/wget".
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.0.0
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [main:3] Using: graphics=[distributed with Ocaml] pcre=6.2.2 dtools=0.2.2 duppy=0.4.2 duppy.syntax=0.4.2 cry=0.2.2 mm=0.2.0 xmlplaylist=0.1.3 lastfm=0.3.0 ogg=0.4.3 vorbis=0.6.1 speex=0.2.0 mad=0.4.4 flac=0.1.0 flac.ogg=0.1.0 dynlink=[distributed with Ocaml] lame=0.3.1 gstreamer=0.1.0 voaacenc=0.1.0 theora=0.3.0 schroedinger=0.1.0 gavl=0.1.4 bjack=0.1.3 alsa=0.2.1 ao=0.2.0 samplerate=0.1.1 taglib=0.2.0 magic=0.7.3 camomile=0.8.3 faad=0.3.0 soundtouch=0.1.7 portaudio=0.2.0 pulseaudio=0.1.2 ladspa=0.1.4 dssi=0.1.0 sdl=0.8.0 camlimages=4.0.0 lo=0.1.0 yojson=1.0.2 gd=1.0a5
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:3] Could not find dynamic module for aacplus encoder.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/flac.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/ogg.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/pulseaudio.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/taglib.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/mad.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/voaacenc.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/faad.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/cry.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/flac_ogg.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/vorbis.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/lame.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz master.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [frame:3] Targetting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #1".
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #2".
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [threads:3] Created thread "non-blocking queue #1".
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [harbor:3] Adding mountpoint '/mylive' on port 2000
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [airtime_128:3] Connecting mount airtime_128 for source@localhost...
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:37 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [airtime_128:3] Connection setup was successful.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [lang:3] /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --connect --stream-id=1 --time=1342719877.91 &
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [threads:3] Created thread "wallclock_main" (1 total).
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Streaming loop starts, synchronized with wallclock.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [mksafe:3] Switch to safe_blank.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [dummy(dot)2:3] Source failed (no more tracks) stopping output...
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [src_5706:3] Inserting missing metadata.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [master_dj_switch:3] Switch to default_switch.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [default_switch:3] Switch to src_5706.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:14:38 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 15:44:38 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 15:44:38 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:00:56 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:00:56 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:00:56 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:00:56 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [main:3] Shutdown started!
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [main:3] Waiting for threads to terminate...
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [airtime_128:3] Closing connection...
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [harbor:3] Removing mountpoint '/mylive' on port 2000
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [harbor:3] Nothing more on port 2000: closing sockets.
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Streaming loop stopped.
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [threads:3] Thread "wallclock_main" terminated (0 remaining).
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 [main:3] Cleaning downloaded files...
    2012/07/19 16:00:59 >>> LOG END
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 >>> LOG START
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [protocols.external:3] Didn't find "ufetch".
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [protocols.external:3] Found "/usr/bin/wget".
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [main:3] Liquidsoap 1.0.0
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [main:3] Using: graphics=[distributed with Ocaml] pcre=6.2.2 dtools=0.2.2 duppy=0.4.2 duppy.syntax=0.4.2 cry=0.2.2 mm=0.2.0 xmlplaylist=0.1.3 lastfm=0.3.0 ogg=0.4.3 vorbis=0.6.1 speex=0.2.0 mad=0.4.4 flac=0.1.0 flac.ogg=0.1.0 dynlink=[distributed with Ocaml] lame=0.3.1 gstreamer=0.1.0 voaacenc=0.1.0 theora=0.3.0 schroedinger=0.1.0 gavl=0.1.4 bjack=0.1.3 alsa=0.2.1 ao=0.2.0 samplerate=0.1.1 taglib=0.2.0 magic=0.7.3 camomile=0.8.3 faad=0.3.0 soundtouch=0.1.7 portaudio=0.2.0 pulseaudio=0.1.2 ladspa=0.1.4 dssi=0.1.0 sdl=0.8.0 camlimages=4.0.0 lo=0.1.0 yojson=1.0.2 gd=1.0a5
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:3] Could not find dynamic module for aacplus encoder.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/flac.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/ogg.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/pulseaudio.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/taglib.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/mad.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/voaacenc.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/faad.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/cry.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/flac_ogg.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/vorbis.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dynamic.loader:2] Loaded plugin file /usr/lib/liquidsoap/1.0.0/plugins/lame.cmxs.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [frame:3] Using 44100Hz audio, 25Hz video, 44100Hz master.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [frame:3] Frame size must be a multiple of 1764 ticks = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [frame:3] Targetting 'frame.duration': 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1764 ticks.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [frame:3] Frames last 0.04s = 1764 audio samples = 1 video samples = 1764 ticks.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #1".
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [threads:3] Created thread "generic queue #2".
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [threads:3] Created thread "non-blocking queue #1".
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [harbor:3] Adding mountpoint '/stream.ogg' on port 2000
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [airtime_128:3] Connecting mount airtime_128 for source@localhost...
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [airtime_128:3] Connection setup was successful.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [lang:3] /usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap_scripts/ --connect --stream-id=1 --time=1342722660.29 &
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [threads:3] Created thread "wallclock_main" (1 total).
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Streaming loop starts, synchronized with wallclock.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [mksafe:3] Switch to safe_blank.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [dummy(dot)2:3] Source failed (no more tracks) stopping output...
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [src_5706:3] Inserting missing metadata.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [master_dj_switch:3] Switch to default_switch.
    2012/07/19 16:01:00 [default_switch:3] Switch to src_5706.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:01:01 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
    2012/07/19 16:04:14 [server:3] New client: localhost.
    2012/07/19 16:04:14 [server:3] Client localhost disconnected.
  • that's my entire log I'm not the greatest and reading logs anyone see anything?
    Post edited by Stefan Snelgrove at 2012-07-19 17:11:16
  • We've had a few problems with Oddcast with other users. I'd try switching to Edcast which is a maintained and up-to-date version of oddcast. Also, are you using a microphone with oddcast? If so you may want to check that the microphone is working. Otherwise oddcast will send zero data, and get disconnected immediately from Liquidsoap.

    Airtime Pro Hosting: