Central Storage Server for Music & User DB
  • Hello,

    I want to setup and schedule multiple simultaneous streams that are playing different music from the same Airtime server to different mountpoints on an Icecast Server. I could not figure out how to do it so I am trying to figure out if I use multiple Airtime servers, is it possible to use a central storage and database server so that all music is uploaded to one location, all users are created in one location, and every airtime server has access to the same music library and user database but a different schedule? I read in the documentation that mounting remote drives is not feasible with airtime because if the remote drive ever goes offline the local airtime install would remove the songs from its database. Can this feature be turned on/off? If it cant can the setup I'm describing be done?

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  •  I read in the documentation that mounting remote drives is not feasible with airtime because if the remote drive ever goes offline the local airtime install would remove the songs from its database.

    This is no longer the case in Airtime 2.1. I would suggest going the shared drive route.

    And yes, currently you will need multiple Airtime servers, each with its own set of users. 
    Airtime Pro Hosting: http://airtime.pro
  • Thanks for the info Martin. What would you suggest would be the best route to go in terms of remote storage? Should I use a dedicated server with a large hdd in RAID or an amazon s3 bucket via s3fs?

    Also if I set the PostgreSQL db settings to that of my storage server would that use the same music database or would each instance of airtime need to generate its own database?
