Currently the 3rd party libraries and dependencies are spread through the whole project (dependencies, newscoop/library, vendor etc.) and are loaded in various fashions. All deps are just checked into the repo (hard copies). Cloning the repo takes ages and consumes over 200mb of bandwidth. It´s a mess.
As you already have a composer.json in the next branch, I suggest making use of it.
I slightly modified application.php and added the following deps to composer
"zendframework/zendframework1": ">=1.12",
"symfony/dependency-injection": "2.0.15",
"symfony/event-dispatcher": "2.0.15",
"doctrine/orm": "2.1.*",
Which works so far.
Additionally I also tried to install smarty3 and Nette through composer - ran into some minor loading and BC issues.
Pretty much all of your 3rd party libraries(smarty3, Nette, symfony/event&di etc.) are outdated by the way ;)
You guys want a PR with my composer changes?
I would be great to manage all the vendor libraries with composer in the near future, starting with the ones available through packagist, pear and git.
the idea would be to get rid of those pear dependencies, some functionality is provided by zend framework, some by doctrine etc. i might start removing adodb and php-db and provide that func via some doctrine connection decorator. at some point we should only use composer for dependencies.
> Currently the 3rd party libraries and dependencies are spread through > the whole project (dependencies, newscoop/library, vendor etc.) and are > loaded in various fashions. All deps are just checked into the repo > (hard copies). Cloning the repo takes ages and consumes over 200mb of > bandwidth.
This has also proved to be a challenge for Debian/Ubuntu packaging, where code copies are not allowed. I have opened a ticket: