Pear problem in Newscoop
  • Good mornig,

    i'm trying to install newscoop on windows 2008 and IIS7.
    I'm using php 5.3 but when going to install page i receive this output, but i'm sure i have PEAR installed...what should i do?


    PEAR No
    PEAR/Date No
    PEAR/Archive No
    PEAR/Event Dispatcher No
    PEAR/Mail No
    PEAR/Mail_mime No
    PEAR/XML_Serializer No
    PEAR/XML_Parser No
    PEAR/HTML_Common No
    Post edited by Adam Thomas at 2012-07-13 11:53:52
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    we are not supporting windows. I suggest using virtualbox instance instead.
  • That's a pity. How come?

  • Vote Up0Vote Down Daniel JamesDaniel James
    Posts: 844Member, Sourcefabric Team
    Hi Vincenzo, it may be possible to get Newscoop running on your Windows and IIS7 server, but our free support resources are focused on the standard CMS platform of Linux and Apache. If your deployment site mandates the use of Windows servers, then I suggest contacting the Sourcefabric Services department for paid support:

    If Windows is not mandated at the site, then as Andrey says, using Virtualbox is a quick way to evaluate Newscoop on a virtual Debian or Ubuntu server. See the install instructions starting at:


  • I see.
    Thank you anyway for your help.