Show starting
  • Hello guys!
    I'm using Airtime 2.0.3 wth an external icecast server.
    I've configured ls_script.liq to play a random playlist with jingle when there are no show scheduled. When a scheduled show starts, the random playlist instantly stop and restart from this point at show finish. What can I configure that when a show starts liquidsoap dissolve current song, play a jingle and start show and at finish the playlst restart from new song? I've done this for live fallback according to (starting from "A nice transition!") and work well. I want to do the same  for airtime shows.


    Post edited by Ivan Iudice at 2012-06-22 07:52:18
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • What you are asking for may be to complex for Liquidsoap to handle. However, you can having the random playlist running the background if you point that source into (output.dummy). This will allows the playlist to keep playing instead of pausing it when Liquidsoap switches to scheduled playback.
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Ok. I hope that you will include smart playlist soon. This function is very important to use Airtime like main scheduler without "liquidsoap hacking".