Front page not displaying
  • Hi guys,

    I've started a new publication on my install and can't seem to get the front page to function. It loads code up to the top story div but then nothing following. Not even any sidebars.

    I've made no modifications to the code that relates to the front page and have created a new featured article list with the same name as the one called in the front page template files.

    I've then installed one of the default themes and set the issue to use that but still nothing loads.

    When I try to view the 'preview' of the front page in the issue file it comes up with a 404 where the front page should be.

    I sense it might be something to do with my site being installed and having the home page at the root of a subdirectory rather than straight off the root of the domain ( instead of

    Any ideas?

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  • Fixed: Needed to reload Image Renditions from the Configure menu