AirTime 2.1 (Ubuntu 10.04 package) not importing MP3?
  • Greetings,

    I've set up (S)FTP access to a AirTime 2.1 install (installed via Ubuntu 10.04 official 2.1 package).  Have set up (S)FTP access using the 2.0 instructions, disabled the cron job in favor of using the watch folders in 2.1, uploading OggVorbis files to "incoming" works, MP3 does not, neither format gets imported from the "organize" folder.

    I have posted log files here for your amusement, if nothing else, be advised up front that this is a system I manage for a client.  That is, to say, content isn't mine (besides the last two-three files uploaded which were tests on my part).

    Any help you could provide would be appreciated.

    Thank you,
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Quinn,

    What was the mp3 file name that was not imported?
    You uploaded them to "organize" folder?
    What do you mean by 'uploading OggVorbis files to "incoming" works'? you meant "imported" folder?

    Thank you.
  • James,

    Thanks for your reply!  Seems I owe you an apology, I believe my customer who was working on this managed to sort the issue out, apparently we did indeed have the folder names/purposes mentally mixed up.

    Thanks again!