Questions about sharing content between multiple publications
  • My company is curious to know if Newscoop would suit our needs. We publish 40 small newspapers in Washington State, USA, many of which share content selectively, on a story-by-story basis. Is there a way for one newsroom to create a story, choose a set of other publications with which to share it, and then have the story publish on those sites without intervention by editors on the other sites?

    If so, how are authors and attribution handled? Is the story duplicated across all selected publications or is it linked to from the other pubs? How are comments handled? Is there any consideration for duplicate content penalties by search engines (eg. is rel=canonical used?)

    This is issue of shared content has become one of the biggest stumbling blocks in finding a new CMS for our organization and I appreciate your assistance.

    Thank you.
    Post edited by Adam Thomas at 2012-09-28 08:07:53
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  • Vote Up0Vote Down Daniel JamesDaniel James
    Posts: 844Member, Sourcefabric Team
    Hi Seth, the Newscoop administration interface enables editors to view content across all publications. There are several ways that you could share specific articles across publications, including the new Article Playlist feature in Newscoop 4.0. See 'Article Playlist' near the end of this chapter:

    Each article has configurable author and contributor fields which are saved in the database, along with the text and images. If you were using an Article Playlist, the article would appear in the template designed for each publication. I don't think comments would be shared across publications in Newscoop 4.0, but I could check that for you. Because we developed Newscoop, we can make it do anything that you need it to :-)

