Multiple publications
  • We publish 3 weekly newspapers and post some articles from each. It looks like newscoop is structured to handle complete publications online because of the need for each publication to have an alias set for use in the site's URL. Anyway of just having the main site with content from 2 other publications?
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • There is a function that allows to set a publication. 
  • Hi Michael,

    Sure, the current publication is given by the site's URL, but always you can ignore it to pull content from different publications. For example:

    {{ list_articles ignore_publication="true" ignore_issue="true" ignore_section="true" constraints="type is newswire" order="bypublishdate desc" }}
        <a href="{{ url options="article" }}">{{ $gimme->article->title }}</a><br />
    {{ /list_articles }}

    The code above list articles from any publication, issue and sections... of the type newswire, ordered by publish date. An important thing is the way you build the link to the article. Newscoop's template engine offers different ways to do it, but this is a special case as you are pulling articles from different publications, so the right way is as presented before, that is by using:

    {{ url options="article" }}

    The Newscoop Template Reference is a must, make sure to check it out here
