Airtime 2.1 RFC 1! Show Builder Input
  • Vote Up7Vote Down NaomiNaomi
    Posts: 228Member
    Hello Airtime users!

    I would like to ask you for some input regarding our new show builder feature

    A plan I have in mind would be this:

    This screen would be a builder for 1 particular show (calendar on the right)
    This calendar would allow you to drag either a playlist, single file or a set of files (not within a playlist) within your show.

    Adding to your show would have multiple scheduling options:

    1) You could either have the new files occupy the first unscheduled part of the show

    2) You could drag a specific file to a specific time: say you have a show from 9:00-10:00 and you would like a certain playlist to start playing at 9:30

    3) If there are multiple playlists/files scheduled with gaps (like the demo screen) you could drag a new playlist/file in between these existing two files and choose either 

    (names TBD) but if you remember campcaster....
    "snap to previous" : file is scheduled right after the first file (starting at 17:08 in the demo)
    "snap to next" : file is scheduled right before the second file (starting at 17:17 in the demo)
    "default" : file is scheduled at the time dragged to on the calendar. 

    File info will be listed inside the blue display event boxes (for editing cues, etc)
    All event boxes will be draggable like when scheduling a non repeating show on the calendar, so you can reorder.