I am new to Newscoop & need help Thanks
  • Hi to you all

     First, Thank you for a fantastic job you are doing to develop an open source
    for journalist.

     I have installed Newscoop 3.5.3 on a localhost and
    trying to work my way through it. I have however a question about
    embeding a video from my hard disk.

    I can see that I can put a link to
    youtube but what about attaching my own video? how do you do that?

    Can I
    replace the space where you have google map with a video?

     I noticed that
    the place holder file in the root directory is empty, does that explain why I
    can not attach a video?

     I tried to install other templates you
    have besides the incorporated "journal" in the installation, and it is

    I have followed the manual, looked at the videos on you tube, looked through for solutions on the forum, and followed the steps on your video in youtube,  but
    everytime I try to upload another template I get the same error message " error: you trying to upload the wrong
    file" I have even downloaded "newscoop & templates from different locations, in case the one I have were corrupt. I did not change a thing.

    Any suggestions or Help?

    Thank you for your

    Best regards.

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Vote Up1Vote Down Micz FlorMicz Flor
    Posts: 184Administrator
    if you are using the ZEN* theme, there is already the option to attach .flv files to an article which will automatically be played, using the flow player. see an example here:

    in the Newscoop manual, you can see how to use the template language to display an audio player for attached mp3 files:

    the same code can be adjusted to work for video players. you just need to find a video player of your choice and check for attached files with e.g. .flv endings.

    the template enginge of newscoop is flexible and allows you to use any player you want. i haven't tried yet, but using this video player:
    would even allow you to attache more than one codec to an article and build fallback options for different devices playing different formats. if you come up with some code for this, i would be interested to see it, please post it here.

    looking forward to your ideas,
