Installation trouble
  • Hello there,

    I am new to Airtime. I just install it on ubuntu 10.4 LTS desktop. Everthying seems to have gone smoothly but on the login page I cant login with admin as user and admin as password. Strangely the title of the login page is DB Error: no such table - Airtime. Dont know what is wrong. Pls help.

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Something went wrong with your install. Are you installing via DEB package or did you download a .tar.gz file to install Airtime?
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Hemant,  had some issue the first time i installed on 10.04 LTS, the same issue.

    this is what i needed to do to get a clean install, it was missing a library from multiverse, and the install directory do not have permission to execute the scripts completely.

    echo "deb lucid multiverse" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
    apt-get update

    chmod -R 777 airtime-1.9.4
    cd ~/airtime-x.x.x/install_full/ubuntu/
    sudo ./airtime-full-install

    Make sure you set timezone on server and airtime, or ON AIR wont work.

    apt-get install tzdata
    dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

    Then vi /usr/share/airtime/public/.htaccess
    php_value date.timezone "America/Toronto"

    Login as admin/admin and your good to go.

