Install Error
  • Hello,
    Please help discern what I may be doing wrong in ACCESSING Campsite news CMS. Once this is sorted, I will be contributing it to the campsite documentation.
    My system uses Debian 4.0-Etch Linux, with Mysql 5, PHP5 and Apache 2.
    Another server-side program already occupies port 8080 (this is not a dedicated server)
    Installation initiated from directory: /opt/campsite
    My server is assigned a static IP: '' and hostname 'campserver'
    I created a directory '/var/www/campsite' which this default install totally ignored.

    The installation is successful. So, what is the PROBLEM? How do I access it ?
    ; (

    Debian 4.0 Etch dependencies
    sudo aptitude install apache2 libmysqlclient15-dev mysql-client-5.0 \
    mysql-common mysql-server-5.0 zlib1g-dev php5-mysql g++ \
    libxml2-dev libidn11-dev libcurl3-dev libssl-dev php5-mysql \
    php5-cli php5-imagick imagemagick

    Install configuration

    PARSER configuration:

    To continue press ENTER

    STEP 1
    Configuring Campsite (this may take a while, please wait)...done

    STEP 2
    Compiling sources (this may take a while, please wait)...done

    STEP 3
    Installing Campsite...

    The base package was installed. In order for Campsite to work you must install
    at least one instance.
    Do you want to install the default Campsite instance? (Y/N) [Y]:
    Do you want to change the instance base parameters? (Y/N) [N]:
    Do you want to change the instance advanced parameters? (Y/N) [N]:

    Running /usr/local/campsite/bin/campsite-create-instance
    with no arguments (use default values)

    Campsite create instance utility
    Create instance script version: 2.7.0-rc2 "Tomas"
    Creating instance: campsite
    * Creating the database configuration...done.
    * Creating the template engine configuration...done.
    * Creating the email notifiers configuration...done.
    * Creating the Apache configuration...done.
    * Setting privileges to the configuration files...done.
    * Creating site directories...done.
    * Creating the site structure...done.
    * Creating the Apache virtual host configuration file...done.
    * Setting privileges for the site directories...done.
    * Creating the database...done.

    The instance campsite was created successfuly.
    The apache virtual host configuration file:
    was created.
    Please edit it and replace $SERVER_NAME with the appropriate value.

    Campsite was installed successfully.
    For a complete installation log read install_log file.


    Please configure apache server before using Campsite application; make sure
    the crond daemon is running; for details read the INSTALL file and follow
    the instructions.

    $ sudo nano /usr/local/campsite/etc/campsite/campsite-vhost.conf
    I changed the $SERVER_NAME to
    $ sudo cp /usr/local/campsite/etc/campsite/campsite-vhost.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
    $ sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/campsite-vhost.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
    $ sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/actions.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

    No access on
    Please help.
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • The install created a NamedVirtualhost*:80. When I run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' the system generates an error to the effect that < *ports and non *ports cannot be used together with a namedVirtualHost > and Apache restart fails. So I editted to NamedVirtualHost* (removed :80 because I thought of conflict with other app using port 8080) and Apache restart is successful.
    but cannot reach campsite in browser on ''
    I considered maybe I re-install with change of install config directory from /usr/local/campsite to /var/www/campsite, but that would put all my content and admin in the public domain!?
  • thanks for response, Ondra
  • Thanks, Ondra and Mugur.

    Inserted: NameVirtualHost *
    and changed back to:
    $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/campsite-vhost.conf
    $ sudo nano /usr/local/campsite/etc/campsite/campsite-vhost.conf
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    Forcing reload of web server (apache2)...[Thu Apr 19 11:27:21 2007] [error] VirtualHost *:80 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results
    [Thu Apr 19 11:27:21 2007] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts
    [Thu Apr 19 11:27:31 2007] [error] VirtualHost *:80 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results
    [Thu Apr 19 11:27:31 2007] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:0 has no VirtualHosts

    [1] when I try = in the browser, the output is
    Internal out of range error: invalid publication alias >

    [2] despite the errors: I was able to login to
    and change the Admin password.

    So, please, how do I get rid of the errors? Many, many thanks for the efforts.
