airtime 1.9.4, Oneiric Ocelot and timezone proposition
  • Hi Guys,

    I've finally managed to install Aritime in VMware running Ubuntu 11.10 and it works.
    So here is the confirmation for the latest Ubuntu version.

    I had a lot of problems since the timezones didn't match (yes, I know it's in the installation manual), but I propose a simple solution for that.

    When doing a script installation the script can ask the user for the timezone and it gets written in the .httpaccess file.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Paul BaranowskiPaul Baranowski
    Posts: 389Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    The timezone issue is completely gone in the upcoming 2.0, you will be able
    to change it from the browser in the Prefs screen.

  • After writing the post I've checked some docs and saw that.
    Good. It's a trouble for every true "non reading manual" user... it's like everybody.