upgrade fail
  • getting this error

    The website you are trying to view is currently down for maintenance.
    Normal service will resume shortly.

    have just copied over the whole source file and included the htaccess to js

    any suggestions
  • 38 Comments sorted by
  • went to the upgrade.php on my mac and it just said maintenance etc

    so went on to my pc to look and for the last hour it is saying

    Upgrading the database from 3.5.x...

    Error: Whilst updating the database. The upgrade is already running.

    any ideas how long this will take
  • now after 3 hours of it saying the same thing - i have restored my original files but i now get

    Upgrading the database from version 3.4.x...
    Fatal error: Call to undefined method User::SyncPhorumUsers() in /home/fdimagaz/public_html/upgrade.php on line 73

    any suggestions as what to do as now it says updating from 3.4 when last time it said 3.5 so should i try and do the upgrade again?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    please specify currently installed newscoop version and which version you need to upgrade
  • i have 3.4.2 updating to 3.5.3

    so far i what i have done is

    copy over the source for 3.5.3 - went to the home page www.fdiforum.net which gives me a maintenance screen

    went admin which to told me to upgrade - went to upgrade.php i get upgrading your database 3.5.x...

    after that was on for a few hours i restored my whole website but this time i got
    Upgrading the database from version 3.4.x...
    Fatal error: Call to undefined method User::SyncPhorumUsers() in /home/fdimagaz/public_html/upgrade.php on line 73

    so have tried twice more and on both occasions got the same results

    right now i have just restored my mysql database to the previous version and have now copied over the 3.5.3 source files ready for upgrade

    what shall i do next
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    the best way is to start upgrade.php script from command line: php ./upgrade.php
  • its on a shared server

    just had a look and their is not chance of using a command line
  • Hi Mark,

    Sorry for coming late to you, we are in the middle of our all-together annual meeting.

    We made a change in one of the minor versions of 3.5.x that unfortunately doesn't allow users to successfully upgrade directly from 3.4.x to 3.5.3. That's why you haven't been able to do it. Please read the UPGRADE file included in the Newscoop package, there is a note about it right there.

    Short story, you gotta upgrade first from your 3.4.3 to 3.5.0 and then from there you can go up to 3.5.3.

    Let us know how it goes.

    All Best,
  • in the upgrade.txt it says upgrade if you are using 1.0 to 2.4x.... upgrade to 3.505

    but Upgrading from Newscoop 3.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x:

    Drop the new sources over the existing install, open a browser and make
    a request for the publication home page:

    how do i get a copy of 3.5.0

    (its ok i found it on sourceforge)

  • Hi again Mark,

    You're right, sorry for that... anyway, you can get 3.5.0 from sourceforge here:

  • now i have got 3.5.0 installed

    it still not showing as i have a problem with templates

    # Error: Unable to select a template! Please make sure the following conditions are met: there is at least one issue published and it had assigned valid templates for the front, section and article pages;
    # a template was assigned for the URL error handling in the publication configuration screen.

    when i log in to the admin it only has - dashboard and content as my options their is no user, configue, actions etc

    do i just update for 3.5.3 now or do i need to fix this first - if so - help how do i fix this

    (just noticed in the admin section when you click publication etc their is no configuration symbol to add a template or when you go into sections you cant delete or add them - its like its not reading the admin section correctly)
  • well that seems to have made no difference

    went on to fdiforum.net/admin

    it said 'please start the upgrade process'

    went on to upgrade.php (as i said before its shared hosting so i have no command line)

    now it says - updating database from version 3.5.x...

    then its the newscoop logo

    then it says: Error: While upgrading the database. The upgrade process is already running.

    please can someone help - i have another 2 website to update after this

  • Mark,

    Did you run the process of first upgrading to 3.5.0 on your original site (database) or the one after the failures ?

    Ideally you run the upgrade from 3.4.x to 3.5.0 on your working-ok site.
  • restored everyting back to the beginning

    i ran 3.4.3 to 3.5.0 which worked - i could log in etc but it had categories missing inside the admin

    then i put on the files for 3.5.3 but now i got the -

    updating database from version 3.5.x...

    then its the newscoop logo

    then it says: Error: While upgrading the database. The upgrade process is already running
  • i dont know what to do now

    is it worth me starting again - or is their a way this can be fixed

    the sites been down for 2 days now and people are starting to complain, so any help would be gratefully received
  • Please do a clean NS 3.5 install and restore a 3.4 backup.

    Mugur Rus
    Senior Software Developer, Sourcefabric

    Cluj-Napoca, Romania
    +40 (0)720 528408
    Skype: mugur_rus


    On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 5:53 PM, mark casson <
    newscoop-support@lists.sourcefabric.org> wrote:

    > **
    > i dont know what to do now
    > is it worth me starting again - or is their a way this can be fixed
    > the sites been down for 2 days now and people are starting to complain, so
    > any help would be gratefully received

  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    I recommend you to restore 3.4 version to get site online. Create another newscoop instance (on same shared hosting or locally) and try to upgrade.
  • I have now loaded ns 3.5 and the mysql back to the original 3.4

    whats next

    Andrey - i dont know how to install a second instance on the same server so for now i will try Mugur option
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    please do not brake live site Smile

    If you are using shared hosting you can add subdomain via control panel and launch new site.
  • the live site been down for 2 days already - i thought this was just a simple upgrade it would work straight away - never expected this much trouble

    if i create a subdomain (have tried first time i used campsite with lots of problems with the htaccess file) and install 3.5.3 - how do i get the mysql data into the database?
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    you need to create another db also. Use control panel for that.
  • then how do i get the data in to it
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    install from scratch and try to restore 3.4.x backup file
  • why does it say updating database is the database has not changed
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    please more details (what are you doing, output messages)
  • i meant when you try and update 3.4 to 3.5 it says on the upgrade screen - updating database from version 3.5.x...

    at this moment i have returned the site to it original state on Monday

    i am setting up a new site using the new 3.5.3 - ive done nothing to it so far as i have been trying to understand and alter the zen theme

    what im doing is try to install the sql into that database - ive tried using the import feature in phpmyadmin but it keeps crashing - it is a big file - so right now i am copying over a couple of tables at a time

    will let you know how it goes
  • Hi again

    i tried the import options but to no avail so i have to use the actual mysql data and just rename the database

    then i applied the sql updates from the 3.5 and 3.5.3

    Everything in the admin section now works but the site doesnt

    I copied over the templates (template 2 from 3.4.2) and changed the word
    &campsite-> to $gimme-> which worked for the menu.tpl but not the rest

    is their a trick im missing with the templates
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    right, you have missed templates upgrading.
    You can install 3.4.x empty instance. Upload your template set and upgrade to 3.5.0. After that your template set will be properly upgraded and ready for use.
  • if i reinstall the 3.4 then upload the 3.5 and upgrade wont that mess with the mysql again

    what templates come with 3.5. apart from zen
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    you don't need to upload db
  • so at the minute its 3.5.3 but dodgy template

    so what files / folders do i need to make it 3.4 again
    then what to make it 3.5 to update template
    then what to make it 3.5.3
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    you missed some steps:
    You can install 3.4.x empty instance. Upload your template set and upgrade to 3.5.0

    So you need installed 3.4. empty instance. Copy your templates files form live site and update empty 3.4. instance to 3.5.0
    After upgrade copy upgraded template to your site
  • i will do this during the day

    this does seem to be a hell of a problem and i cant see anyone else with such an issue of updates

    is their any reason this wont update normally

    ive been using since 3.1 and i cant ever remember any major problems upgrading
  • Hi again

    well i have been trying since i was last on here - even had my isp reset my account as all i was getting was 500 errors

    i thought i had it discovered the other day when i was on sourceforge and discovered a campsite 3.5.0 instead of a newscoop 3.5.0 i was using

    so installed a basic 3.4.2 - added my templates etc and got it working finee

    installed 3.4.3 and got everything working fine

    copied over the src files from campsite 3.5.0

    if i go to homepage - www.pharmatoday.net - it says down for maintenance

    if i go to www.pharmatoday.net/admin - please initiate upgrade process

    if i go to www.pharmatoday.net/upgrade.php - it says

    Upgrading the database from version 3.5...

    Error: While upgrading the database: The upgrade process is already running

    been doing this since yesterday lunchime

    any more suggestions

  • Hi Mark,

    It seems you are following all steps yet having troubles with the process. I can give you a hand by working directly with your installation, otherwise it's really hard to find what the problem is. I could spend tomorrow couple hours early in the morning on this, you would have to give me access to the server. Let me know if it sounds ok to you.

    All Best,
  • sure - just let me know what details you need

    as this is not the actual site - can yo give me step by step instructions of what you do - so i can do that on the actual site

  • Hey Mark,

    Sure, let's communicate in private for this.
  • have you not had chance to have a look at this yet
  • Hi all

    i still have not got an update done

    i did manage on my test site to - instal CS 3.4.3, CS 3.5.0, NS 3.5.0, NS 3.5.1, then ns 3.5.3 - this is the only combination that worked

    then i tried to do it again - which i managed, so over the festive period knowing the actual site would be less busy i tried the upgrade but failed

    the screen shot is of the NS 3.5.0 admin which has most of the menus missing - this occurred in CS 3.5.0 but i installed the NS version to see if that would fix it

    the only difference i could tell between the successful and unsuccessful installs was on the upgrade.php page - on the successful install it said upgrading database for nearly 2 days before it said successful - the unsuccessful install was 5 seconds before it said successful

    any more thoughts
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