Issues using Newscoop
  • 1. I am able to add articles in the demo link (, but when I try to add an article on the Newscoop software uploaded on my server for testing, I don't get the Article entry "deck". On demo the text editor opens up rather nicely, but on my server, it stops at Date. Am I doing anything wrong? I followed the same procedure on both places.

    2. How can I create my own template? Can I just create a template in HTML / CSS and then upload it via Configure > Templates? Please confirm.

    3. How can I serve up Ads if I want to. I saw some ads on the demo link.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Varun,

    Article structure in Newscoop is defined dynamically, you can set your article types depending on your own needs by clicking on Configure -> Article Types in the main menu.

    Once you create your article types with the corresponding article fields then you will see all those fields in the article edit screen after creating any new article.

    I would like to point you to our online manual but I just checked and the service is down at this moment, I will do it once it's back.

    As for your 2nd question, yeah... you can go to Configure -> Templates and either create or upload your templates right there. Then in the Issue and/or section configuration you set the default templates for those elements.

    Last one, our users usually integrate OpenX, which is another Open Source tool specialized on Ads management. I don't have experience on this though, but I am sure someone else will provide the answer. I am sure we have such thing in our online Cookbook, but again... the service is down Sad

    Hope this helps. Keep posting your questions and thank you for choosing Newscoop.

    All Best !!
  • Hi Holman,

    Thank you for the answers. I appreciate your help. My first question though was about adding articles (and not just types).

    As I said, I am able to add articles in the demo link (, but when I try to add an article on the Newscoop software uploaded on my server for testing, I don't get the Article entry "deck". On demo the text editor opens up rather nicely, but on my server, it stops at Date. Am I doing anything wrong? I followed the same procedure on both places.

    So, I end up adding many article titles, but never an article Sad