[campsite-support] "Powered by Campsite" logo
  • Hi Digitalnegocio,

    Sorry for the belated reply. We stupidly don't have these logos readily
    available. But I have fished out one from one of the sites our team has
    made, so please feel free to use it. On the other hand, it would be nice to
    start a collection of localized logos (if "powered by" does not translate
    well into Spanish or any other language, we also used to have a "This is a
    Campsite" version with the old logo). So if you make one, please let us
    know and we'll make them all available from the site.

    Speaking of Spanish, we have just started the Lista hispana de Campware.org
    (you can read more about it here:
    http://www.campware.org/en/camp/campware_news/717 and you can join it here:
    http://lists.campware.org/mailman/listinfo/campware-es )

    All the best,


    (See attached file: powered.gif)

    ail.com To: campsite-support@campware.org
    02/15/07 12:51 PM Subject: Re: [campsite-support] Problem with Openads (formerly known as phpadsnew)
    Please respond to

    Thanks a lot, Ondra.

    By the way, have you a "Powered by Campsite" logo. I'd like to include it
    in the newspaper frontpage.


    2007/2/13, Ondra Koutek :
    check .htaccess and set phpwrapper to skip openads directrory.


    digitalnegocio@gmail.com p