PL - Newscoop installation - VirtualHost /Instal. Newscoop - VirtualHost i nieudany restart apache'a
  • Vote Up0Vote Down tomektomek
    Posts: 2Member
    Newscoop installation - VirtualHost and failed apache restart


    I am trying to install Newscoop on VPS server (system - Ubuntu 10.04), and - despite that I'm using the guidelines contained in the manual from Sourcefabric page - I can not successfuly restart apache, after defining a virtual host in the file at /etc/apache2/sites-available/newscoop.

    I get this error message:

    * We failed to correctly shutdown apache, so we're now killing all running apache pr
    ocesses. This is almost certainly suboptimal, so please make sure your system is work
    ing as you'd expect now!
    ... waiting apache2: Syntax error on line 236 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax e
    rror on line 1 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/newscoop: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/new
    scoop:1: <VirtualHost> was not closed.!

    I want to test the Newscoop system without linking vps server with the external domain and only referring to the name of hired host. I don't know much about apache configuration. In the file containing the definition of the virtualhost I try to insert the IP address (without effect) or for ServerName and ServerAlias - try to type: localhost (effect - as above).

    Can anyone help?



    Próbuję zainstalować Newscoop na serwerze VPS (system - Ubuntu 10.04) i - mimo że korzystam ze wskazówek umieszczonych w podręczniku ze str. Sourcefabric - nie jestem w stanie doprowadzić do pomyślnego rozruchu apache'a po zdefiniowaniu wirtualnego hosta w pliku pod adresem /etc/apache2/sites-available/newscoop.

    Otrzymuję taki komunikat o błędzie:

    * We failed to correctly shutdown apache, so we're now killing all running apache pr
    ocesses. This is almost certainly suboptimal, so please make sure your system is work
    ing as you'd expect now!
    ... waiting apache2: Syntax error on line 236 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax e
    rror on line 1 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/newscoop: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/new
    scoop:1: <VirtualHost> was not closed.!

    Dodam, że chcę przetestować system Newscoop bez powiązania serwera vps z zewnętrzną domeną, a jedynie odwołując się do nazwy wynajętego hosta.

    Kompletnie nie znam się na konfiguracji serwera apache. W pliku zawierającym definicję virtualhost próbuję wstawiać adres IP serwera (bez pomyślnego skutku), albo dla ServerName i ServerAlias wpisać localhost (efekt - jak wyżej).

    Czy kotś potrafi pomóc?
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    you need to add </VirtualHost> at the and of newscoop conf file

  • Vote Up0Vote Down tomektomek
    Posts: 2Member
    Here's the entire entry in my newscoop file:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/newscoop
    ServerName localhost
    ServerAlias localhost
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
    <Directory /var/www/newscoop>
    Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

    The tag </VirtualHost> is already in it...
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    check also
    Syntax error on line 236 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf