Newscoop 3.6 RC2 ready to test
  • Hi everyone,

    The Newscoop 3.6 RC2 is ready to be put through its paces. To get started, visit the Newscoop wiki and follow the install instructions.

    Any bugs, issues or suggestions can as always be posted here or directly into our bug tracker. See below for a list of some of the improvements and fixes since the last RC!


    - Better user experience in the user management screen
    - Inclusion of the Zen theme into the new theme manager
    - User permissions improved
    - 'Select all' enabled to perform actions on permissions
    - "Add Publication" button removed from the theme manager

    Bug Fixes

    - include_path is now set properly and allow conflicting inclusions
    - Images in frontend are now displayed after upgrading from
    templates to themes
    - Warning message when deleting theme is too short
    - Copying a thumbnail from media box into TinyMCE editor by
    drag & drop is now ok
    - Reply to a comment issue fixed
    - Wording improved in the article type screen
    - Delete an article type no longer causes an exception