[campsite-support] Defining the order of articles on the frontpage
  • Hi there,

    I'm working on this website: http://www.nieuwsbedrijf.nl and i want to
    be able to define the order of articles shown on the frontpage.

    Right now i can only define the order of articles in sections, because
    in the backend when i open the section page i can define order numbers
    for articles. I don't see such a thing for the frontpage.

    I want to be able to use the backend to define what article is shown as
    number 1, number 2 etc...

    Is this possible?


    Jeroen van de Nieuwenhof
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi,

    Unfortunately we don't have such a feature for now, the only order options on the front page for
    now are by:
    - creation date (which the same order as by the article number)
    - publication date
    - article name

    If you don't use any order option in the front page article list it will list articles in the
    following order:
    - section number
    - article order number inside the section

    You have two options for now:
    1. Check the "Show article on front page" checkbox for articles that should be displayed on the
    home page and order the sections in a way that match your desired order (e.g. sport, news, weather
    etc.). This is less flexible but at least you can order articles based on their section.

    2. Use the article name for ordering: create a field title in each article type that will be used
    to display the article name (title). The original article name will be used strictly for ordering
    and will contain values like: 0001, 0002, 0003 etc. It's important to keep the leading zeros and
    have all the numbers containing the same number of digits. E.g.: 1, 2, 11 will not produce the
    desired output, instead the order in which the articles will be displayed will be: 1, 11, 2.


    --- lists@vandenieuwenhof.nl wrote:
    > Hi there,
    > I'm working on this website: http://www.nieuwsbedrijf.nl and i want to
    > be able to define the order of articles shown on the frontpage.
    > Right now i can only define the order of articles in sections, because
    > in the backend when i open the section page i can define order numbers
    > for articles. I don't see such a thing for the frontpage.
    > I want to be able to use the backend to define what article is shown as
    > number 1, number 2 etc...
    > Is this possible?
    > Regards,
    > Jeroen van de Nieuwenhof

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