RE: [campsite-support] Error reading configuration
  • I don't know what is the problem, can you give me access to the system?


    --- jorge Luis wrote:
    > Hi, well, First I installed a OS from cero and then I proceeded to
    > install campsite
    > 1. configure httpd.conf
    > 2. I install campsite using the ./install
    > 3. I execute the command: mysqladmin -u root drop campsite
    > 4. then i run the command: mysqladmin -u root create campsite.
    > 5. finally, I use the command to restore a Database: mysql -u root
    > campsite < backupcampsite.sql
    > Then I proceed to enter to the last edition page, where it displays the
    > following error:
    > Error reading configuration: Unable to open configuration
    > file:/tpl_cgi.conf