Audio Stuttering
  • Currently I have Airtime 1.8.2 running constantly and it has now started exhibiting a strange stuttering effect until it is rebooted (See the attached file)

    Different file each time over the audio output. The stutter "moves" slowly through the file. A reboot seems to fix it (temporarily)

    While stuttering the CPU was at 5% and memory was at 0.3%. I've attached a short recording of the audio. It appears to "hold" the audio for exactly 1 minute 11 seconds before moving on to the next segment.

    The machine Airtime is running on is a 2.8Ghz i7 with 4GB of RAM

    Perhaps some other process on the machine is causing this?


    Another day...more stuttering. I noticed that the moment I ran the top command Liquidsoap was at 87% and then immediately settled at 4% CPU