Unable to download recorded show
  • Hi,

    running airtime 1.8.2 on Ubuntu 10.10 32bit but can't seem to download any files in the database. I know the file exists from the following command:

    ls -l /srv/airtime/stor/946/94666d5bacf93aa1ef27d46ca232bd42.mp3 
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data www-data 86402193 2011-06-21 18:00 /srv/airtime/stor/946/94666d5bacf93aa1ef27d46ca232bd42.mp3

    but when I click "download" in the browser playlist I get the following error:

    "Not Found

    The requested URL /api/get-media/file/94666d5bacf93aa1ef27d46ca232bd42.mp3/api _key/XO8O9XJSPKJHTBUIAYQY/download/true was not found on this server."

    any ideas?


  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Hi James,

    There is a bug in 1.8.2 where the download actually redirects you to "localhost". This is probably the case for you. Are you downloading from a remote host initially?
    Airtime Pro Hosting: http://airtime.pro
  • Ok good to know, thanks.

    Yes I was trying to download from a remote computer, will try it again from the server when I'm next in the studio.

  • I had the same issue. Just pop the ip address it the address bar (replacing localhost) when you try and download.

    - Chris
  • Hi Chris,

    thanks for that. Also, changing

    base_url = localhost

    base_url = example.com

    in /etc/airtime/airtime.conf works too.
