Newscoop 3.6.0 Betas out now for testing
  • Hi everyone,

    Some exciting news to share. Newscoop 3.6.0 Beta1 is now available for download.

    This is the first public release of the upcoming 3.6 version which will include several new features, including an overhauled geolocation interface, improved commenting, a SoundCloud plugin for managing audio files, a new theme management interface and refactored user permissions.

    All in all, it's a major step forward for Newscoop and we're looking for the brave and the bold to be the first to test the new features in this Beta (don't use this on a live site!). This is one of those rare moments where we actually want you to find bugs!

    The more feedback the better - please post into a new thread in the Newscoop Development forum (and don't forget to give your post the appropriate icon to help us find it).

    Best, Adam

    p.s. One known issue: Campsite 3.4 users... you will first need to upgrade to Newscoop 3.5, and then upgrade to Newscoop 3.6. The reason for this is that we have eliminated a library called "LiveUser" due to it's licensing issues. It is no longer included in Newscoop 3.6, which would be needed to upgrade directly from Campsite 3.4.
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • ...and Newscoop 3.6 Beta2 is out now. Download here.

    There's an installation guide on our wiki. Despite over 50 tweaks since the last Beta, it's still a work in progress, so go easy on it and please report any difficulties you run into.

    Thanks from everyone in the development team!
  • Hi Newscoopers,

    Newscoop 3.6 Beta3 has arrived with another 40+ fixes thanks to great feedback from you all. Our work is not done however - keep those tickets coming in!
  • Thanks to your great feedback, we caught a bunch of issues and have fixed them. We're happy to present Newscoop 3.6. Beta 4 for download and testing!

    An install guide is available here: