[campsite-support] Campsite 2.6.3 Released
  • Campsite 2.6.3, a bug-fix update for 2.6.2, has been released. All users are encouraged to

    To download the new version, go to http://www.campware.org/.

    Bug fixes (bugs are listed in order of oldest to newest):
    01) #2356 - User password change not working
    02) #2357 - System failure when trying to edit a user (only
    affecting updated installations)
    03) #2360 - Extra character encoding when using template path URL
    04) #2361 - Changes to system preferences are not logged
    05) #2363 - Minor security hole
    06) #2364 - Incorrect handling when xorkey is not set in session
    07) #2365 - Autopublish script can't detect the document root
    08) #2367 - Error when managing many comments
    09) #2368 - The upgrade script fails to create phorum users

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