[campsite-support] Limit user to a publication
  • Hi,
    Theres a way to limit a user to a publication? if a create a new
    publication all the user in the staff can see this new publication, but
    i wanna limit some user to see, edit, publish articles in this
    publication. There a way to do this? o any solution?


    visite elPeri
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi Carlos,

    Currently you can't limit a user to a certain publication, this feature is in the plan. For now
    the only solution is to create a different Campsite instance for each publication but this works
    only if your publications are not tightly integrated in your templates.


    --- Carlos Cabrera wrote:
    > Hi,
    > Theres a way to limit a user to a publication? if a create a new
    > publication all the user in the staff can see this new publication, but
    > i wanna limit some user to see, edit, publish articles in this
    > publication. There a way to do this? o any solution?
    > Thanks.
    > --
    > visite elPeri