[campsite-support] Starting over
  • I've upgraded Campsite a number of times, and along the way, I've lost
    functionality of a few things (user control and comments). I'm getting
    "fatal error: call to ...." What I'd like to know is if there is a way to
    start over, while still keeping my data. Is this possible?

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi Christopher,

    In order to restore the functionality you need to edit the user types, set the correct permissions
    for them (add user management, comment management etc. permissions to corresponding user types)
    and then edit admin users and set the proper user type. Reinstalling Campsite from zero wouldn't
    help because the permissions you lost are in the database, and it would have to be saved and
    restored anyway. If you don't know how to do this please give me access to your site and I'll help


    --- Christopher Palermo wrote:
    > I've upgraded Campsite a number of times, and along the way, I've lost
    > functionality of a few things (user control and comments). I'm getting
    > "fatal error: call to ...." What I'd like to know is if there is a way to
    > start over, while still keeping my data. Is this possible?
    > TIA
    > Chris

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