[campsite-support] Enable/Active Comments
  • Hi,
    I import from Campsite 2.5 to 2.6.2 and i wanna try the Comments function, but i dont
    know how active or enabled it. In the Admin interface, show me a field: Comments, with a
    dot red (disable) for each article, but i dont know how change to Green (active) to
    enabled this fucntion. I need create a extra field or do something more?



    visite elPeri
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • hi Carlos !

    Edit your publication settings. You will find a comments area, check
    'Comments enabled' at least. Then you will be able to allow comments
    on a per article basis by selecting 'Comments Enabled' in the article
    edit page.

    if you want to enable Campsite/Phorum integration, please follow these steps:

    you need to follow these indications in order to get Campsite and
    Phorum running side-by-side with the new features:

    1- rename or, even better, copy
    to implementation/management/include/phorum/include/db/config.php
    and change the db config values to fit your installation.

    NOTE: this first step should be skipped if you already has phorum
    installed and running well.

    2- edit implementation/management/include/phorum/portable/phorum_settings.php
    to fit your installation. variables to be set are $PHORUM_DIR and

    3- create three symlinks at the html public directory like this:

    $ cd /path/to/your/campsite/html/publicdir/
    $ ln -s /path/to/your/campsite/installdir/implementation/management/include/phorum/portable/phorum.php
    $ ln -s /path/to/your/campsite/installdir/implementation/management/include/phorum/portable/phorum_admin.php
    $ ln -s /path/to/your/campsite/installdir/implementation/management/include/phorum/portable/phorum_settings.php

    that is all. i know that we need to create the symlinks automatically
    at installation time but let us do it so, so far.

    you can access to phorum by going to:
    // phorum public pages
    // phorum administration

    let us know how it works, please. thanks.

    On 11/8/06, Carlos Cabrera wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I import from Campsite 2.5 to 2.6.2 and i wanna try the Comments function, but i dont
    > know how active or enabled it. In the Admin interface, show me a field: Comments, with a
    > dot red (disable) for each article, but i dont know how change to Green (active) to
    > enabled this fucntion. I need create a extra field or do something more?
    > Thanks.
    > --
    > --
    > visite elPeri
  • Hi,

    Thanks a lot. It works now, i active the comments in article type, but not in the
    publication. I don't try the forums right now, but i will do when finish to create all
    the new templates, thanks for the information, i will use soon.

    Bye, and thanks again.

    On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 19:40:54 -0500, Holman Romero wrote
    > hi Carlos !
    > Edit your publication settings. You will find a comments area, check
    > 'Comments enabled' at least. Then you will be able to allow comments
    > on a per article basis by selecting 'Comments Enabled' in the article
    > edit page.
    > if you want to enable Campsite/Phorum integration, please follow these steps:
    > you need to follow these indications in order to get Campsite and
    > Phorum running side-by-side with the new features:
    > 1- rename or, even better, copy
    > implementation/management/include/phorum/include/db/config.php.sample
    > to implementation/management/include/phorum/include/db/config.php
    > and change the db config values to fit your installation.
    > NOTE: this first step should be skipped if you already has phorum
    > installed and running well.
    > 2- edit implementation/management/include/phorum/portable/phorum_settings.php
    > to fit your installation. variables to be set are $PHORUM_DIR and
    > 3- create three symlinks at the html public directory like this:
    > $ cd /path/to/your/campsite/html/publicdir/
    > $ ln -s
    > phorum.php
    > $ ln -s
    > phorum_admin.php
    > $ ln -s
    > phorum_settings.php
    > that is all. i know that we need to create the symlinks automatically
    > at installation time but let us do it so, so far.
    > you can access to phorum by going to:
    > // phorum public pages
    > http://your.campsite.url/phorum.php
    > // phorum administration
    > http://your.campsite.url/phorum_admin.php
    > let us know how it works, please. thanks.
    > On 11/8/06, Carlos Cabrera wrote:
    > > Hi,
    > > I import from Campsite 2.5 to 2.6.2 and i wanna try the Comments function, but i dont
    > > know how active or enabled it. In the Admin interface, show me a field: Comments, with a
    > > dot red (disable) for each article, but i dont know how change to Green (active) to
    > > enabled this fucntion. I need create a extra field or do something more?
    > >
    > > Thanks.
    > >
    > > --
    > >
    > >
    > > --
    > > visite elPeri