The modification of the airtime for the blind?
  • Hello, I like your application Airtime, but I'd like to ask is possible because the web interface adapted to very poor graphics. I'd like to use Airtime for a friend who is blind and uses for communication with PC voice JAWS screen reader.
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • Zdravim z Kanady Smile

    If we were to implement this feature it would probably be in the distant future. We are still working on the core features of Airtime, and haven't even had time to implement multi-language support yet.

    You can create a ticket at and we will consider this for upcoming releases Smile
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Děkuji za odpověd z Kanady. Nejvetsim problemem jsou vyskakovaci okna a dialogové nabidky pod pravym tlacitkem mysi, ktere nejsou dostupne jinym zpusobem.

    Thanks for the replies from Canada. The biggest problem is the pop-up windows and dialog menu under right mouse button, which is not available by other means.
  • Are you using Airtime 1.6? We stopped using the right-click mouse button for subsequent releases. Ask him to try one of the newer releases.
    Airtime Pro Hosting: