Airtime 1.8.2 RC2 ready for testing
  • Airtime 1.8.2 RC2 (Release Candidate) is available now for testing! Since the first Airtime 1.8.2 RC was released last week, we've fixed various editing show problems and airtime-pypo-stop/start causing playback problems.

    As this is a Release Candidate, it's not recommended for production environments.

    The reason for these RCs is that we have a new Quality Assurance (QA) and testing procedure, which in the long term means that 'proper' releases will be more stable - something we know you value.

    As testing is a process without a set time period, it does mean that exact future release dates of Airtime are unknown. The trade-off of this is that those interested in the very latest development can test and install the RCs, plus when the final release comes along you're safe in the knowledge that it's been thoroughly tested in-house.

    Once Airtime 1.8.2 is released you'll hear it here, via Twitter and via our newsletter first.

    The secure-apt repository will be up and running again with the next stable release. Apologies for any inconvenience here!