[campsite-support] Campsite 2.6.2 Released
  • Campsite 2.6.2, a bug-fix update for 2.6.1, has been released. All users are encouraged to


    * Security updates
    * Support for Apache 2.2
    * Documented cron jobs in the manual
    * Documented the new article types screens
    * Updated the 'Creating a publication' chapter in the manual
    * Updated the 'Defining Article Types' chapter in the manual
    * Updated the chapter 'Editing Articles' in the manual
    * ... many bug fixes

    To download the new version, go to http://www.campware.org/.

    Bug fixes (bugs are listed in order of oldest to newest):

    01) #2295 - Deleting a template within a subdir does not take care if it is in use.
    02) #2296 - Upgrading from versions older than 2.5 generates an error
    03) #2297 - Some links are incomplete in the template screens
    04) #2298 - In debug mode some messages are displayed before headers
    05) #2308 - Error in template management when trying to edit a non-existent file
    06) #2311 - Bad visualization of the System Preferences form (firefox)
    07) #2313 - URLParameters and URI statements print invalid image number
    08) #2315 - Create/restore instance utilities don't work on names with spaces
    09) #2317 - Error in user management when deleting an IP addresses group
    10) #2318 - Replace to a template file does not work because mime_content_type() is missed
    11) #2319 - Changing the number of an image to existing number does not inform the user that the
    number was not changed
    12) #2323 - Error in section management when adding a new one
    13) #2325 - Error in publication management when adding a new one
    14) #2332 - Bug in template 02-04 v2
    15) #2334 - Error changing the last sentence of an old article published inside the secondary
    16) #2335 - Adding a subscription section gives an error.
    17) #2337 - "Article Type Fields" row colors do not alternate properly
    18) #2338 - Support for Apache 2.2
    19) #2339 - Merge article types crashes on articles containing quote character
    20) #2342 - Error trying to delete a comment
    21) #2344 - Security fix
    22) #2345 - Unable to submit subscription section form unless individual language is choosen
    23) #2346 - Sort comments by most recently added by default
    24) #2347 - Dont show top-level placeholder comments in Comment management
    25) #2348 - Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in user subscription
    26) #2349 - Register globals vulnerability
    27) #2353 - Bug when deleting an entire page of articles in Article List interface

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