Record box not enabled
  • Hi,

    thanks for the great software!

    I've installed 1.8.2 RC and the only bug I've noticed so far is when adding a new show, the option to record is sometimes greyed out. The solution is simply to close the add show box and add the show again, so it's a minor bug really.

  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Ofir GalOfir Gal
    Posts: 130Member
    Hi James.
    Can you please provide more info about this scenario?
    It would be great if you'll have reproduction steps so we'll be able to reproduce it on our end.
  • There's not much to say other than there were two of us entering shows in the calendar on different computers and every once in a while (maybe 1 every 10 attempts) the record box would not be enabled. Eventually we got used to this and always went to the record check box first and if wasn't available, we just cancelled the show and added it again.


  • Vote Up0Vote Down Ofir GalOfir Gal
    Posts: 130Member
    Are you sure it's adding a new show and not updated/editing a show?
  • Yes, it's definitely when adding a new show.
  • Hi James,

    We havent been able to reproduce this yet. Could you take a screenshot when this occurs?
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