[campsite-support] Nth article and division
  • Hello everyone, hope someone can help me with this:
    is there a way to publish only the Nth article of a section? i know you can limit the number of them but don´t know if just the 4th can be published.
    And also can an article be truncated in size when published? or divided in parts?.
    Checked the manual and didn´t find anything helpful about this... any help?

    Thanks to the dev team for the good work, its been a really helpful tool for me
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi,

    > is there a way to publish only the Nth article of a section? i know you can limit the number of
    > them but don't know if just the 4th can be published.
    You can publish the Nth article the following way:

    > And also can an article be truncated in size when published? or divided in parts?.
    Please read the attached file (article-fastnews.tpl) as an example of how to publish article body
    fields that are divided in subtitles. For more info on this please read chapters "5.6.41. With" (
    http://code.campware.org/manuals/campsite/2.6/index.php?id=93 ), "5.6.33. If NextSubtitles |
    PrevSubtitles" ( http://code.campware.org/manuals/campsite/2.6/index.php?id=79 ), "5.6.21. List of
    Subtitles" ( http://code.campware.org/manuals/campsite/2.6/index.php?id=76 ) in the manual.


    --- antuanb@gmail.com wrote:
    > Hello everyone, hope someone can help me with this:
    > is there a way to publish only the Nth article of a section? i know you can limit the number of
    > them but don't know if just the 4th can be published.
    > And also can an article be truncated in size when published? or divided in parts?.
    > Checked the manual and didn