[campsite-support] Search samples
  • Hi all. I miss in the manual some examples about the search feature of
    Campsite. I mean a sample template for the search form and another for the
    display results page.

    In the other hand, is there any template to access previous editions through
    a calendar. Any ideas of how to do this?
  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • --- digitalnegocio@gmail.com wrote:
    > Hi all. I miss in the manual some examples about the search feature of
    > Campsite. I mean a sample template for the search form and another for the
    > display results page.
    Please download the demo packages and check the search.tpl, search-box.tpl and search-middle.tpl

    > In the other hand, is there any template to access previous editions through
    > a calendar. Any ideas of how to do this?
    It's not possible to do this using the current Campsite template engine. Once we'll rewrite it in
    PHP you'll have much more flexibility. For now you could write PHP code that creates a calendar,
    reads issues from the database and inserts them in the calendar.


    Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited
  • Thanks. I managed to make it work, but is there any way to control some
    aspects of the search keywords? I've noticed that it only searches exact
    matches (not caps insensitive, for instance).

    2006/10/28, Mugur Rus :
    > --- digitalnegocio@gmail.com wrote:
    > > Hi all. I miss in the manual some examples about the search feature of
    > > Campsite. I mean a sample template for the search form and another for
    > the
    > > display results page.
    > Please download the demo packages and check the search.tpl, search-box.tpland
    > search-middle.tpl
    > templates.
    > > In the other hand, is there any template to access previous editions
    > through
    > > a calendar. Any ideas of how to do this?
    > It's not possible to do this using the current Campsite template engine.
    > Once we'll rewrite it in
    > PHP you'll have much more flexibility. For now you could write PHP code
    > that creates a calendar,
    > reads issues from the database and inserts them in the calendar.
    > Regards,
    > Mugur
    > ____________________________________________________________________________________
    > Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited
    > (http://music.yahoo.com/unlimited)
  • BTW, strange behaviour of the Search form:

    If you fill the keyword and press the button 'Search', it works ok.
    But If you fill the keyword and press the keyboard key 'Enter' (very
    usual), it doesn't.
  • BTW, strange behaviour of the search form

    If you fill the keyword and press the button "Search", it works ok.
    But if you fill the keyword and press the keyboard key 'Enter', it doesn't.

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: digitalnegocio@gmail.com
    Date: 02-nov-2006 18:17
    Subject: Re: [campsite-support] Search samples
    To: campsite-support@campware.org

    2006/10/28, Mugur Rus :
    > --- digitalnegocio@gmail.com wrote:
    > > Hi all. I miss in the manual some examples about the search feature of
    > > Campsite. I mean a sample template for the search form and another for
    > the
    > > display results page.
    > Please download the demo packages and check the search.tpl, search-box.tpland
    > search-middle.tpl
    > templates.
    > > In the other hand, is there any template to access previous editions
    > through
    > > a calendar. Any ideas of how to do this?
    > It's not possible to do this using the current Campsite template engine.
    > Once we'll rewrite it in
    > PHP you'll have much more flexibility. For now you could write PHP code
    > that creates a calendar,
    > reads issues from the database and inserts them in the calendar.
    > Regards,
    > Mugur
    > ____________________________________________________________________________________
    > Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited
    > ( http://music.yahoo.com/unlimited)
  • For now the only option you have is a check box that allows the reader to search for all keywords
    or for any keyword (see Select Search -

    The case insensitive search works only for English Latin characters. We'll give up this search
    engine in Campsite 3.0 and replace it with a much better one.


    --- digitalnegocio@gmail.com wrote:
    > Thanks. I managed to make it work, but is there any way to control some
    > aspects of the search keywords? I've noticed that it only searches exact
    > matches (not caps insensitive, for instance).
    > 2006/10/28, Mugur Rus :
    > >
    > > --- digitalnegocio@gmail.com wrote:
    > > > Hi all. I miss in the manual some examples about the search feature of
    > > > Campsite. I mean a sample template for the search form and another for
    > > the
    > > > display results page.
    > > Please download the demo packages and check the search.tpl, search-box.tpland
    > > search-middle.tpl
    > > templates.
    > >
    > > > In the other hand, is there any template to access previous editions
    > > through
    > > > a calendar. Any ideas of how to do this?
    > > It's not possible to do this using the current Campsite template engine.
    > > Once we'll rewrite it in
    > > PHP you'll have much more flexibility. For now you could write PHP code
    > > that creates a calendar,
    > > reads issues from the database and inserts them in the calendar.
    > >
    > > Regards,
    > > Mugur
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > ____________________________________________________________________________________
    > > Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited
    > > (http://music.yahoo.com/unlimited)
    > >
    > >

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  • I think it's browser dependent; try to insert the following code in the search form:

    This should fix your problem.


    --- digitalnegocio@gmail.com wrote:
    > BTW, strange behaviour of the Search form:
    > If you fill the keyword and press the button 'Search', it works ok.
    > But If you fill the keyword and press the keyboard key 'Enter' (very
    > usual), it doesn't.

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