[campsite-support] PHPWrapper
  • I installed PHPWrapper to find a better approach for the home templating.
    The wrapper is working fine (the php code in the templates is correctly
    parsed), but I receive this message in mail:


    Warning: main(/usr/local/campsite/www/phpwrapper/html/db_connect.php):
    failed to
    open stream: No such file or directory in
    opublish.php on line 6

    Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required
    /html/db_connect.php' (include_path='.:') in
    utopublish.php on line 6

    The directory where I installed the phpwrapper directory and the .htaccess


    Any ideas?

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • It seems you installe the PHP wrapper in /usr/local/campsite/www, not

    Warning: main(/usr/local/campsite/www/phpwrapper/html/db_connect.php): failed to open stream

    Please make sure the directory /usr/local/campsite/www/html/phpwrapper and the file
    /usr/local/campsite/www/html/.htaccess exist.


    --- digitalnegocio@gmail.com wrote:
    > I installed PHPWrapper to find a better approach for the home templating.
    > The wrapper is working fine (the php code in the templates is correctly
    > parsed), but I receive this message in mail:
    > /usr/local/campsite/sbin/campsite_autopublish
    > X-Cron-Env:
    > X-Cron-Env:
    > X-Cron-Env:
    > X-Cron-Env:
    > X-Cron-Env:
    > Warning: main(/usr/local/campsite/www/phpwrapper/html/db_connect.php):
    > failed to
    > open stream: No such file or directory in
    > /usr/local/campsite/sbin/campsite_aut
    > opublish.php on line 6
    > Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required
    > '/usr/local/campsite/www/phpwrapper
    > /html/db_connect.php' (include_path='.:') in
    > /usr/local/campsite/sbin/campsite_a
    > utopublish.php on line 6
    > The directory where I installed the phpwrapper directory and the .htaccess
    > is:
    > /usr/local/campsite/www/campsite/html
    > Any ideas?
    > Thanks.

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