Poll plugin fails on "Save"
  • In the Newscoop backend (v3.5.2), when I go to Plugins -> Poll and click Add New Poll, it shows up fine. Everything (including validation) works as expected.

    When I save the poll, it returns me to the poll list without the new poll there. I've tried various forms of data and have reproduced it consistently.

    Any ideas?
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    Just checked on demo site - it works. Try to upgrade your newscoop to 3.5.3 version
  • That seems like a really bad answer for a simple problem with polls, but I'll give it a shot. Could you speculate on what the root cause would be? Presumably polling works in 3.5.2 which is not exactly very old.
  • Hi, I just tested it in a fresh 3.5.2 installation and it works for me. Can you please provide more details on what platform and browser you are using?

    Thanks for reporting.
  • CentOS 5.6 Final, tested in the newest Google Chrome and Firefox 4.