Problem with publish new articles
  • Vote Up0Vote Down aibarzaibarz
    Posts: 7Member
    Good day,

    After install a new 3.5.2 newscoop portal and change the template, I am trying to publish a new article on politics section.

    I put the new title, publication (january 2011) and section:
    Content Publicación: Diario 1 Edición: January 2011 (English) Sección: Politica Artículo: Somebody elegirá mañana nuevo Consejo Directivo (English)

    I know that language is English and I am publishing in Spanish, but I don't think that it would be the problem that happens after.

    I put desk and full_text's texts and click Save blue button on top right. Nothing happens, no message showed or anything similar saying that all changes are saved.
    Also if I add an image to article after click it goes to a empty page.
    Then I select Status: Published and webpage reloads itself emptying texts areas and creating a new empty and blocked article.

    I follow the guide to create a new article on SF and I think that i am not forgeting any step.

    Any help would be really appreciated

  • 11 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team

    it seems a problem with javascript loading on article edit form. Try to reproduce this errors on demo site.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down aibarzaibarz
    Posts: 7Member
    Ok, It didn't happen at demo site.

    I saw that appeared two messages in green saying "processing" and other "article saved/published" on it

    Not know why them don't appear in my installation.

    Same browser at same machine. Tried with IE8, IE7, FF 3.6.17, FF4.0.1, Chromium 11 at WXP and Ubuntu
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    Could you try your site under FF with firebug? It will show the error in js stuff.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down aibarzaibarz
    Posts: 7Member
    Installed firebug and that is displayed at console:

    tinymce seems loaded OK 200 OK 874ms

    http :// url /admin/articles/edit.php?f_publication_id=2&f_issue_numb er=13&f_section_number=10&f_article_number=108&f _language_id=1&f_language_selected=1

    $.cookie is not a function
    [Detener en este error] var closed = $.cookie(cookie);

    that line after expand code is placed at:

    $('.collapsible').each(function(index) {
    var head = $('> .head', $(this));
    var cookie = 'articlebox-' + index;
    var closed = $.cookie(cookie);

    but is cookie related (they are allowed without restrictions at FF)

    About save and close line:
    <input id="save_and_close" class="save-button" type="submit" name="save_and_close" value="Guardar y cerrar">
    seems something related to form.

    Also I create a new profile at firefox I have same problem to have none extension/addons or blockers
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    make sure that javascript/jquery/jquery.cookie.js is loaded successfully (you can check it in firebug too)
  • Vote Up0Vote Down aibarzaibarz
    Posts: 7Member
    I checked on access to dashboard and I get that messages on firebug (attached)

    I try to install newscoop on other server and same problem. I cannot publish new articles with text on both servers.

    I don't know if it is blocked or not but it is rare that same release on complettly different servers (hostings) have same problem.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down aibarzaibarz
    Posts: 7Member
    I discovered how to see if there are some error loading the page with firebug (usable to another webpages i'm mounting)

    I attached a new capture with an error of javascript/jquery/jquery.cookie.js not found

    but it is well placed (as others javascripts) at server folder wit 777 permisions.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    try to load directly the cookie script in a browser. What is an error? Look at error.log also.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down aibarzaibarz
    Posts: 7Member
    Last capture, server not return usual 404 page, surely due newscoop config.

    Therefore It seems that it is not loading

    I can send you both url in pm if you like to check it.
    Remember that it is happening same problem/error on two different servers.

    capture attached
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    It's your hosting specific bug. Script files loading is handled by hosting not newscoop. Please ask hoster support to resolve this issue.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down aibarzaibarz
    Posts: 7Member
    Bingo, that's the problem.

    If I rename the file I can access to text code (inside the file) without problem...

    So there are your option (ask hosting to enable that file) or change the name of the file on all files that ask for it

    thank you so much Andrey for your interest and time helping me


    Finally I do that:

    -locate both files failing to load on newscoop files

    newscoop$ find -type f |xargs grep jquery.cookie.js
    ./admin-files/home.php:<script src="<?php echo $Campsite['WEBSITE_URL']; ?>/javascript/jquery/jquery.cookie.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    ./admin-files/menu.php: <script src="<?php echo $Campsite['WEBSITE_URL']; ?>/javascript/jquery/jquery.cookie.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    newscoop$ find -type f |xargs grep jquery.min.js
    ./install/sample_templates/the_journal/templates/set_thejour nal/_tpl/_html-head.tpl: <script src=" .js"></script>
    ./templates/set_thejournal/_tpl/_html-head.tpl: <script src=" .js"></script>
    -I know that it is hosted on googleapis but it is also on newscoop js folder, I located any reference to it and rename callers.

    -I edit with nano 4 files changing the name of files to:


    -Reload both pages, admin and frontend.
    -Try and edit successfully all articles needed. Posted a new one with any problem.

    I hope that it helps in future