airtime .deb install under debian squeeze
  • Vote Up0Vote Down alejoalejo
    Posts: 48Member
    hi all, first post here:

    I'm trying to install on a debian squeeze server. Have taken the latest .deb from: 0-1_all.deb

    (after adding the sources, keyring and updating)

    when i try install, this is the list of things that will be removed, upgraded and installed.

    it all seems ok, though i have a site that relays heavily on php5 (and it appears it will be removed) so im asking the sharper eye to give me any good advice as on how safe will it be to accept this solution proposed by debian?

    aptitude install airtime
    The following NEW packages will be installed:
      airtime{b} binutils{a} camlp4{a} cpp{a} cpp-4.4{a} curl{a} daemontools{a} daemontools-run{a} ecasound{a} erlang-base{a} 
      erlang-crypto{a} erlang-mnesia{a} erlang-os-mon{a} erlang-public-key{a} erlang-runtime-tools{a} erlang-snmp{a} erlang-ssl{a} 
      erlang-syntax-tools{a} esound-common{a} gcc{a} gcc-4.4{a} icecast2{a} ledit{a} libao-common{a} libao-ocaml{a} libao4{a} libasound2{a} 
      libaudiofile0{a} libc-dev-bin{a} libc6-dev{a} libcamomile-ocaml-data{a} libcamomile-ocaml-dev{a} libcurl3{a} libcurl3-gnutls{a} 
      libdirectfb-1.2-9{a} libesd0{a} libfindlib-ocaml{a} libfindlib-ocaml-dev{a} libflac8{a} libgmp3c2{a} libgomp1{a} libid3tag0{a} 
      libidn11{a} libjack-jackd2-0{a} libmad-ocaml{a} libmad0{a} libmpfr4{a} libncurses5-dev{a} libogg-dev{a} libogg-ocaml{a} 
      libogg-ocaml-dev{a} libogg0{a} libportaudio2{a} libpq5{a} libruby1.8{a} libsamplerate0{a} libsctp1{a} libsdl1.2debian{a} 
      libsdl1.2debian-alsa{a} libsndfile1{a} libsoundtouch-ocaml{a} libsoundtouch1c2{a} libspeex1{a} libssh2-1{a} libsvga1{a} libsysfs2{a} 
      libtag1-vanilla{a} libtag1c2a{a} libtagc0{a} libtaglib-ocaml{a} libtheora0{a} libts-0.0-0{a} libvorbis-dev{a} libvorbis-ocaml{a} 
      libvorbis-ocaml-dev{a} libvorbis0a{a} libvorbisenc2{a} libvorbisfile3{a} libx86-1{a} libxslt1.1{a} linux-libc-dev{a} lksctp-tools{a} 
      lsb-release{a} manpages-dev{a} ocaml-base-nox{a} ocaml-findlib{a} ocaml-interp{a} ocaml-nox{a} odbc-postgresql{a} odbcinst{a} 
      odbcinst1debian2{a} oggvideotools{a} php-pear{a} php5-curl{a} php5-pgsql{a} poc-streamer{a} postgresql{a} postgresql-8.4{a} 
      postgresql-client-8.4{a} postgresql-client-common{a} postgresql-common{a} pwgen{a} python{a} python-configobj{a} python-ecasound2.2{a} 
      python-minimal{a} python-mutagen{a} python-pip{a} python-pkg-resources{a} python-setuptools{a} python-support{a} python2.6{a} 
      python2.6-minimal{a} rabbitmq-server{a} ruby{a} ruby1.8{a} tsconf{a} unzip{a} 
    The following packages will be upgraded:
    1 packages upgraded, 118 newly installed, 0 to remove and 20 not upgraded.
    Need to get 98.4 MB of archives. After unpacking 344 MB will be used.
    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
      airtime: Depends: libmp3lame0 which is a virtual package.
      libapache2-mod-php5: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.3-7) but 5.3.3-7+squeeze1 is to be installed.
      php5-gd: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.3-7) but 5.3.3-7+squeeze1 is to be installed.
      php5-mcrypt: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.3-7) but 5.3.3-7+squeeze1 is to be installed.
      php5-mysql: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.3-7) but 5.3.3-7+squeeze1 is to be installed.
      php5-cli: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.3-7) but 5.3.3-7+squeeze1 is to be installed.
    The following actions will resolve these dependencies:
          Remove the following packages:                       
    1)      libapache2-mod-php5                                
    2)      php5                                               
    3)      php5-cli                                           
    4)      php5-gd                                            
    5)      php5-mcrypt                                        
    6)      php5-mysql                                         
    7)      php5-suhosin                                       
    8)      phpmyadmin                                         
          Keep the following packages at their current version:
    9)      airtime [Not Installed]                            
    10)     php-pear [Not Installed]                           
    11)     php5-curl [Not Installed]                          
    12)     php5-pgsql [Not Installed]                         
          Leave the following dependencies unresolved:         
    13)     phpmyadmin recommends php5-gd                      
    14)     php5-common recommends php5-suhosin                
    Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] Y
    The following packages will be REMOVED:
      dbconfig-common{u} fontconfig-config{u} javascript-common{u} libapache2-mod-php5{a} libfontconfig1{u} libgd2-xpm{u} libjpeg62{u} 
      libjs-mootools{u} libltdl7{u} libmcrypt4{u} libonig2{u} libqdbm14{u} libt1-5{u} libxpm4{u} php5{a} php5-cli{a} php5-common{u} 
      php5-gd{a} php5-mcrypt{a} php5-mysql{a} php5-suhosin{a} phpmyadmin{a} ttf-dejavu-core{u} wwwconfig-common{u} 
    0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 24 to remove and 13 not upgraded.
    Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 45.4 MB will be freed.
    Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] n

    In the meantime i will try a manual install (from sources) to see how far the cofig will take me, trying better to upgrade packages one by one and in a more -h /human readbale/ style.

    anyhow, if anyone has installed this deb on squeeze and could share some hints and experiences please do so.

    thanks in advance,
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Alejo!

    Airtime requires php5 so not to worry. It appears php5-5.3.3-7 will be replaced with php5-5.3.3-7-squeeze.

    Did you have Squeeze installed before the final release?

    Also before you run this package, make sure you add the debian-multimedia package source to your /etc/apt/sources.list file (as outlined in the blue box here: ). This will allow you to install some packages like "libmp3lame0" that are not provided in Debian by default (due to mp3 patent issues etc.)

    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Vote Up0Vote Down alejoalejo
    Posts: 48Member
    All set martin, thanks for the reply.
    I have aritime running now but haven't got far cuase i have a problem with the /tmp dir.

    is already set under php.ini but i have yet to discover how to restart airtime cause relaunching apache2 was not enough.
