Author Payment System
  • Vote Up0Vote Down IDHRIDHR
    Posts: 1Member

    I want to know what is Author Payment System for? ( m)
    It allow to pay the authors? How calculate the payment? When will be released? Wich will be the payments methods?
    Can I help in some way to let this feature to be developed faster?

  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down KittyKitty
    Posts: 1Member
    IDHR wrote on Thu, 14 April 2011 15:30

    I want to know what is Author Payment System for?

    I also have the same question.

    Professor Katherine Bodenhamer Anderson
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Micz FlorMicz Flor
    Posts: 184Administrator
    hi, the first time we get interest in an empty wiki page Smile

    yes, the author payment system is meant to be a tool to pay authors. Newscoop already has a author management tool built in. the "author payment system" will be inside the author management, probably a tab added for payment. the basic functionality would allow payment for individual contributions (text, pictures, etc.) as well as generating a sum of all unpaid contributions, adding up all open articles by the author.

    such a tool of course requires that there is additional information available per author. besides bank details or paypal, what is needed is VAT and other information relevant for paying authors. e.g. a checkbox for the accountant to verify that the author has signed the agreement / contract with the publisher.

    we are open for ideas here. as you see, it is still a blank page in the wiki. let's continue this thread and collect ideas and experiences to make this feature work in day to day business.

    re: speed up the development. yes, sure, we are interested in support to get features float further up on the top of the priorities list.

    let's keep this thread active, micz