[campsite-support] Comment_lib.php error
  • Hey all,

    If people try to react, I'm sometimes getting an error on some published articles.

    "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object
    in /usr/local/campsite/www-common/html/comment_lib.php on line 149"

    which is related to the creation of new threads. I haven't found a pattern yet.

    "// Create the first post message (if needed)
    $articleObj =& new Article($f_language_id, $f_article_number);
    $firstPost = camp_comment_first_post($articleObj, $forumId);
    $threadId = $firstPost->getThreadId();"

    Any idea's??

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi,

    Sorry for late reply, we're in a very busy period right now. Do you still get this error? If so
    please allow me to log in to your server to investigate. I checked the source code but I don't
    know why this happens.


    --- nkerkvliet@hotmail.com wrote:
    > Hey all,
    > If people try to react, I'm sometimes getting an error on some published articles.
    > "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object
    > in /usr/local/campsite/www-common/html/comment_lib.php on line 149"
    > which is related to the creation of new threads. I haven't found a pattern yet.
    > "// Create the first post message (if needed)
    > $articleObj =& new Article($f_language_id, $f_article_number);
    > $firstPost = camp_comment_first_post($articleObj, $forumId);
    > $threadId = $firstPost->getThreadId();"
    > Any idea's??
    > Greets,

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