Campsite ELI and phpwrapper 1.1.5
  • Hello,

    I am just exploring campsite. As a part of it, i followed all instructions of installing phpwrapper for php scripts support. However, face following problem:


    etc are redirect me to the frontend.

    With the login form on the frontend, i can login as Admin but again the admin interface is not the one that iam redirectoed to but redirected to the frontend.

    To Reach the admin i login as admin from frontend (using package template # 3) and then i type:


    However, no actions can be performed. Say if i try to Save an article i am redirected to frontend again. A simple thing like Logout redirects me to:

    frontend (http://domain.tld) whereas the URL displays http://domain.tld/admin/logout.php

    I believe the admin part is not to be thru phpwrapper? If i disable phpwrapper (rename the .htaccess to something else), everythng works fine.

    Any clues as to what i am missing. Since the admin gets mucked up, i couldn't test any php scripts in templates.

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • I uninstalled campsite
    Installed Campsite 2.5
    Imported packagetemplate 3 sample
    Admin worked fine

    Then again tried phpwrapper

    Same issues. Every action on Admin redirects me to frontend.
    Nothing in error logs

    moment i remove the .htaccess file, everything starts function, otherwise every admin action which ends in a php extension just takes me to frontend. register_globals is On

    admin actions with php?blahblah works well. So looks like some issue with the rewrite rules??

    It's a cPanel server. CentOS 4.2

