New to airtime/liquid soap & have a couple questions
  • I've leased a shoutcast server and have everything up and running.  So far so good.  I just have a couple of questions that I hope aren't too annoying...

    Whats the best way to implement airtime?  I setup a stream that pushes to my leased server.  I have (for lack of better terminology) a master control pc thats encoding CD's and sending them to airtime, which sends to the leased server.  Is there a better way? 

    I also a have a library from which to build scheduled shows.  And it works great.

    When I'm playing from cd's I don't have metadata for the encoder.  Is there a way to update the metadata on the console of the airtime server?

    The shoutcast server says the stream is v1.  My provider says this is why genre changes aren't being updated in the shoutcast directory.  I assume the genre is sent when a scheduled show plays-out.  Is my assumption correct?  If so, how do I change the stream to v2?

    Thanks for you help, and thanks for airtime. I've had a lot of fun with it, despite being somewhat clueless with it.
  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up0Vote Down hoerichhoerich
    Posts: 627Member, Airtime Moderator
    your workflow seems ok, but you should consider to use Icecast instead of Shoutcast.
    Although they both are compatible, Airtime-Dev-Focus is on Icecast!
    You can choose the metadata-type under "System => Streams => Stream Label"
    When we stream from a (metadata-offering) Webstream, Airtime does visualize the "Show - Artist - Title"
    fg, hoerich
    Official Airtime Forum Manager
    Most of the time an issue is located between keyboard and chair.
  • I'm already invested in shoutcast.  I may switch in the future.

    I'm kinda stuck on the metadata part.  It seems there is a way to update metadata on-the-fly with liquidsoap, but I just can't wrap my head around liquidsoap.  Playing-out from within airtime writes the metadata... no problem there.  But as I said, I play from CD's as well, and I need to update the metadata.

    I found this tidbit of info, but don't know where to put it. Any help would be appreciated...

    For people who wants to mange metadata from a shell script, here is a
    example :
    echo "meta.insert title=\"$name\"" | nc localhost 1234

    In liquidsoap config :
    safe_radio = insert_metadata(id="meta",safe_radio)