Stream Handover and Fallback
  • Hi folks, I can't yet get my streams handing over in Airtime the way I'd like and wondering if what I want is actually possible and if so how do I configure it. I've read the manual and watched all the videos I could find but, alas, no joy quite yet.

    What I want is that both the Master Source and Scheduled Play are both always connected to ONAIR but that scheduled play will always take precedence i.e Schedule Play will go to air if there is audio playing and fall back to (live input) Master Source when no audio is scheduled in Airtime.

    I've got it kind of setup like that at the moment but it requires manual switching between the two sources. Is it possible to do automatically? I've tried the - Auto Switch Off/On setting but doesn't seem to work for me.

    Basically I want to be able to leave a stream encoder running all the time (Butt in this instance). This will be encoding everything coming from mixing desk in studio. Airtime gets our live feed from here and sends it to Icecast. Users never have to connect or start anything.

    So if we schedule audio to play in airtime it (Schedule Play) takes over and will only fallback to Butt (Master Source) when the scheduled audio is over and then obviously take precedence at next scheduled time. I want it so users never have to connect or start anything.

    I hope that makes sense. I'm its possible but I'm having an awful time making it work.

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  • This would be an interesting feature, unfortunately the priorities are hardcoded at the moment. This is something we will evaluate in the future
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